Marie Keating Foundation – Digital Marketing Campaign
Project Aims
The aim of Marie Keating’s ‘Your Health Your Choice‘ digital marketing campaign was to make people aware that they can prevent 4 in 10 cancers if they made simple changes to their everyday lives.
- Quit smoking
- Limit how much alcohol you drink
- Avoid too much sun exposure
- Eat a healthy diet and be a healthy weight
- Be physically active

The Challenge
Combined Media and The Marie Keating Foundation created a fully integrated, multi-channel digital campaign to:
- drive traffic to the microsite
- increase awareness and educate people about the importance of lifestyle factors, specifically four key cancer risk reduction preventions with the use of video and infographics
The main target audience was the general public with a focus on cancer survivors and young adults
A range of digital marketing activities included; a microsite, video, Google Ads, Banner Advertising, Social Media Marketing, SEO, Affiliate marketing, Email Marketing and Search Engine Optimisation.
The microsite that was created contained information about health choices ranging from quitting smoking to wearing adequate sun screen to reducing the amount of alcohol you drink. A downloadable infographic and a video were also create and made available on the site. All events were tracked including PDF downloads and video views.

Banner advertising was displayed across female netowrks including; Marie Claire, Celebs Now and Look magazine and male online magazines such as Golfnet,, and
These were used for all the campaigns including Your Health Your Choice and various others.
An email shot was sent out to the database of emails on file. Social Media campaigns were created across various platforms. A customised Facebook tab was introduced which acted similar to a mini-website on Facebook.